Archive for Annual Congress
CSAA Congress 2022
Posted by: | Comments2021 Annual Congress — September 24, 2021
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September 24th, 2021 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Mission of the Central Service Area Authority (CSAA)
The Central Service Area Authority (CSAA) was established by State statute to collaborate with the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) and Local Advisory Councils (LACs) in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a consumer-driven, recovery-oriented and culturally competent public mental health care system. Our mission is to assure that consumers, their families, and other interested community stakeholders have a strong voice in defining, developing, managing and monitoring public mental health care delivery in Montana, with a focus on the Central region of the state. The primary objective is to ensure that consumer’s needs and preferences are at the center of the services provided.
Zoom link
10:00 am – Introductions
10:15 am – Special Guest: Senator Bob Keenan, Senator Keenan is the original Sponsor for the bill 53-21-1006, creating the Service Area Authority. “What is The Service Area Authority, and how are the SAA’s designed to be the conduit between the County needs and State Implementation and funding regarding Behavioral Health Services.
11:00 – Public Comment
11:30 – Special Guest – Mary Windecker, Is the executive director of Behavioral Health Alliance of Montana, an advocacy group representing addiction, mental health and tribal behavioral health organizations. She has 30 years of experience in strategic planning, business development, advocacy, patient satisfaction, marketing and outreach, primarily in nonprofit health care in Montana.
12:20 – Celebration of Mini Grant Awards
12:40 – Election of Officers
1:00 – Adjourn